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Editor's Report

From the desk of the Editor

Submitted by Louise Granaham

Despite the up and down November weather in Ontario (shorts one day and down parkas the next), the boats are out of the water and thoughts turn to when we can paddle again.

Much of this newsletter is about big events. There have been so many huge festivals and events to highlight – Europeans, the CCWC championships in Ravenna, the World Cup in China.

At the moment, despite the impending Canadian winter, paddling is foremost on my mind, as I train to try out for the Canadian National Dragon Boat Team in the para division. Last year, I was diagnosed with severe hearing loss, so I qualify under that condition. I find it interesting that despite having had 10 surgeries including a total abdominal hysterectomy and a 10 hour double mastectomy with Diep, showing almost 3 metres of incisions on my body, and enduring incurable lymphedema, none of that counts in the para division. So, I work hard on daily cardio and doing strength training on alternate days in hopes of making the team. I’ll include an article about that process in a future newsletter.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the newsletter. Please feel free to submit articles about your team’s events, anniversaries, etc. Articles about individual paddlers and their experiences are so special to read. I’d also love to have reports on fundraising activities. The next newsletter deadline is February 1st. Please make sure you follow the guidelines when submitting.

Send articles to Louise Granahan – Please follow these submissions guidelines:

  1. Articles must be in .doc format. (No PDFs or links, please).

  2. All articles must have at least one photograph. You may submit up to 3 photographs. Please send them in the same email as the article, but not embedded in the article. Send them as separate .jpgs.

  3. Articles should be submitted in the final draft format. Please proofread them before submitting them. Do not use short forms or acronyms.

  4. Note that articles may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, certain content, etc., by the newsletter editor.

  5. Include a title and a byline (eg. Submitted by…)

  6. If you are promoting an event, we will only post one article about that event. You may also write a follow up after the event has taken place.

  7. Not all articles that are submitted will be included in the newsletter. Articles will be included at the discretion of the editor.

September – Deadline August 1st
December – Deadline November 1st
March – Deadline February 1st
June – Deadline May 1st

Articles that do not follow these guidelines may not be included in the newsletter.

Paddles Up!