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Breast Cancer Drug Trials

Submitted by Meri Gibson on behalf of Breast Cancer Research Trust (BCRT), Hamilton, New Zealand.

The research team is busy setting up two international clinical trials and an evaluation project. They look forward to making the following studies available to their patients:

An international drug trial called the “CAMBRIA-2”. This trial will investigate a new hormone (endocrine) drug called Camizestrant. This will be compared to standard hormone treatment for patients who are high risk for breast cancer recurrence. The hope is that the new drug will prevent breast cancer recurrence in more patients and ensure that they have more time with loved ones.

A trial coordinated internationally by the University of London called “OPTIMA”. This trial aims to find out if a gene test (called Prosigna) on breast cancer tissue can identify patients who are at high risk for breast cancer recurrence. The trial will help doctors to more accurately decide who should and shouldn’t have chemotherapy.

For women choosing to have breast conserving surgery, a breast surgeon needs to precisely locate the breast tumour during surgery. In the near future Waikato breast surgeons will take part in a national evaluation introducing a new marking or localisation technique which uses radar technology.

BCRT research nurses put many hours into obtaining approvals and setting up clinical trials and other studies.

** Aotearoa Wahine Toa Ora Trust, the NZ IBCPC 2023 festival Trust organisers have donated to the Breast Cancer Research Trust and will continue to support these types of trials.