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Editor's Report

I was sitting in the boat on the night of our first practice when I heard someone crying behind me.  I thought that maybe I had splashed too much water or that my reach had encroached in her space.  I turned around and Jenny said, “I dreamed about this during chemo.”  That’s the impact of dragon boating and that’s why we do what we do.  Read more about Jenny’s story in this edition of the newsletter. 

The registrations for France 2026 are incredible.  This is going to be the biggest IBCPC regatta ever.  We have included the 5th bulletin in case you haven’t signed up for email notification. 

I hope you have had a chance to check out our newly redesigned website:  We are always open to feedback on the website, so email me if you have any ideas.  We are happy to include your upcoming regattas on our events page, too!

The pic of me is at the 2024 Lock and Paddle event.  For those of you who attended the IBCPC Regatta in Peterborough in 2010, this took place at the lift locks not far from where the regatta was held.  The Lock and Paddle event saw over 400 canoes and kayaks go though the lift locks along the Trent Severn Waterway. 

The deadline for the next newsletter is December 1st, 2024.  I’d love to include some articles about what you’ve been doing to prepare or fundraise for France.  It’s also wonderful to see some personal stories, too. 

There have been a number of problems with people submitting articles that do not follow the newsletter guidelines.  It would help a lot if you would check the guidelines before submitting, and making sure that your article and pics are all together in one email. 

Send articles to Louise Granahan – 

Please follow these submissions guidelines:

  1. Articles must be in .doc format. (No PDFs or links, please). 

  2. All articles must have at least one photograph. You may submit up to 3 photographs. Please send them in the same email as the article, but not embedded in the article. Send them as separate .jpgs.

  3. Articles should be submitted in the final draft format. Please proofread them before submitting them.

  4. Note that articles may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, certain content, etc., by the newsletter editor.

  5. Include a title and a byline (eg. Submitted by…)

  6. If you are promoting an event, we will only post one article about that event.  You may also write a follow up after the event has taken place. 

  7. Not all articles that are submitted will be included in the newsletter. Articles will be included at the discretion of the editor.

December – Deadline November 1st
March – Deadline February 1st
June – Deadline May 1st
September – Deadline August 1st

 Articles that do not follow these guidelines may not be included in the newsletter.