Submitted by Louise Granahan
As your new IBCPC Communications Director, one of my responsibilities is to edit the newsletter. With your help, I have collected some articles from around the world.
It was amazing for me to read about team and personal successes and growth. Thanks for all of your ideas for things to bring to a regatta. I have compiled them into a handy list.
By now you have heard the news about France 2026 in Aix-les-Bains! I have included information on registration and participation eligibility as well as links to the Facebook page and website.
I look forward to receiving articles from you to be included in the newsletter. While the newsletter is published mostly in English, we encourage you to write in whichever language is most familiar to you. We will translate and edit your articles as necessary. We also want to see photographs, either with an article or on its own.
If you have any complaints, compliments or questions about the newsletter, you can send a Letter to the Editor using the email below. Select letters will be published in future newsletters.
Do you want to share news about your team? Special events, anniversaries, great accomplishments...? The deadline for the March newsletter is February 1st! Send your articles to
Please follow these submissions guidelines:
Articles must be in .doc format. (No PDFs or links, please)
All articles must have at least one photograph. You may submit up to 3 photographs. Please send them in the same email as the article, but not embedded in the article. Send them as separate .jpgs.
Articles should be submitted in the final draft format. Please proofread them before submitting them.
Note that articles may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, certain content, etc., by the newsletter editor.
Include a title and a byline (eg. Submitted by…)
Not all articles that are submitted will be included in the newsletter. Articles will be included at the discretion of the editor.
Articles that do not follow these guidelines may not be included in the newsletter.
Paddles Up!
Louise Granahan