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Catch-22 Ospreys

Preparing for France 2026

Submitted by Paula Zellars

The Catch-22 Ospreys breast cancer team, located in Vancouver, Washington, recently came together for a lovely French repas-partage as they excitedly began preparing for the IBCPC regatta in Aix-les-Bains.

The dinner was held in the lovely home of one of our teammates with the host and hostess looking very chic in their berets.  The atmosphere was quite French with swags of the French triclore on the windows and blue, white, and red napkins and plates in addition to miniature French flags adorning many of the foods.

The event was planned as a very simple dinner consisting primarily of charcouterie boards but turned into one of exquisite French cuisine as team members tried their skills at creating French dishes.  These included a cassoulet with slices of baguette for dipping, a warm brie, a colorful salade Nicoise, a salmon quiche and a spinach-mushroom quiche, many French cheeses, and, of course, pate de foie gras. 

This delicious repas was followed by an array of tempting desserts attractively displayed on tiered plates.  There were colorful macarons, petite chocolate cakes, and a tart apple galette.  All of this socializing was followed by a lively discussion of the upcoming regatta in France and the next two plus years leading up to it. 

The team is doing winter workouts at boot camp each week, and practices will begin soon, yet we anticipate many more French-themed get-togethers as we look forward to seeing our BCS sisters from all over the world in Aix--les-Bains.